- 100% Independent Sim Racing News

No More Formula One Modding Content on VirtualR

Today’s not a particularly good day for VirtualR as I have to put a major new content restriction in place for the site.

Today’s not a particularly good day for VirtualR as I have to put a major new content restriction in place for the site.

From now on, VirtualR will not be showcasing or hosting any modding content related to Formula One cars or F1-related content, all past postings??featuring such content have been removed from VirtualR.

Exceptions will only be made for Formula One cars & content that are part of officially-released titles which have the appropriate licenses.

As you have probably guessed correctly by now, this action is taken due request from the license??owners (Formula One World Championship Limited). Needless to say, I can’t and won’t take any risks in this matter, so the above rule will be enforced with absolutely no exceptions.??

I’m publicizing this not only to inform my readers of the new policy and explain the absence of certain content in the future, I think it’s also a useful heads-up to the sim racing scene as a whole.

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