Studio 397 has released a small update for their well-progressing rFactor 2 title.
The new update introduces support for multi GPU & multi monitor setups, giving users of higher-end rigs plenty to be happy about. Also improved is the support of Fanatec wheels with plenty of new profiles.
- Fixed artifacts on old real road shader.
- Fixed screen capture in TTool.
- Fixed multiple controller profiles so JOY1 is default controller mapping.
- Added controller profiles for Fanatec wheels: Fanatec CSW v2.5, Fanatec CSW v2, Fanatec CSR Elite, Fanatec CSL XBOX, Fanatec CSL PS4.
- Added support for multi-GPU???s and multi-monitor selection, available via drop downs in Launcher config.
- VR Added re-center view now assignable to a key (default is Backspace).
- VR Fixed Track loading screen.
rFactor 2 users can update their installation via Steam.