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Need for Speed Shift – Sharp Tires Mod Released

Need for Speed Shift – Sharp Tires Mod Released

Julien Regnard has released a new version of his Sharp Tires Mod for Need for Speed Shift, aiming to give the title’s tire model a realistic overhaul.

The mod improves the tire physics, allowing more precise and direct steering, as well as a more realistic grip level. The tire data is based on real-life data and extensive testing, the game’s drift tire physics have not been touched.

The mod requires the latest version of Need for Speed Shift (1.02) to be installed, it works both with packed and unpacked versions of the game. Make sure to check out the mod’s readme file for more info and recommended settings to make most of the new tire behaviour.

Update: Julien has decided to stop distribution of his mod, the download is no longer available.

Download Need for Speed Shift Sharp Tires Mod Here

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