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Need for Speed Shift 2 – Two New Videos

Need for Speed Shift 2 – Two New Videos

Need for Speed Shift 2 Unleashed is now just a week away from hitting the shelves and EA has released the official launch trailer to celebrate the occasion, featuring music from rock band Rise Against.

Also, Alan Boiston of VVV Automotive has released a small preview video of Shift 2, showing us a short glimpse of elite mode gameplay footage. Unfortunately, Alan is contractually obliged to not reveal more of the title or comment on the physics until the title is released.

Need for Speed Shift 2 Unleashed will include the 2010 FIA GT1 World Championship & GT3 European Championship among lots of other racing content, new features include a new helmet camera, night racing and more realistic physics. The second Shift title will be available for the PC, Microsoft???s Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3 in late March.

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