MMG is a household name in the rFactor community, most notably for having released the Formula One 2007 mod.
Now, the group expands their activities to sim racing hardware by unveiling the SimRDisp7X data display. The external display delivers all kinds of information including revs, speed, gears, fuel, pit limiter, safety car periods, engine overheating and traction loss. It features three segment displays and a bar of LED’s, giving it a realistic racecar look.
The display is connected via USB and is completely compatible to rFactor and it’s upcoming successor. MMG plans to make the display compatible to other titles such as the Simbin simulations, iRacing and ARCA Sim Racing in due time.
The SimRDisp7X sells for ???75/$106, 100 units are available for pre-order until January 7th, orders will be shipped by January 29th. The display can be attached to your screen, a mount for the Logitech G25 will be following shortly.
Below are two images and a video, showing the display in action. If you like what you see, you can become one of the first 100 pre-orderes by visiting the MMG website.
[youtube A96XmWEtYvE nolink]