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Lucky Numbers – Part Two

Lucky Numbers – Part Two

At the very last day of 2007, I first expressed my surprise on how this blog has developed. Four months later, the numbers are even more impressive and I continue to be amazed on how VirtualR has developed.

In April, almost 200.000 users visited these pages, looking for downloads and the latest previews. That’s three times of my December 2007 visitors which I thought would never been topped. Another impressive figure are the RSS subscribers – More than 400 people have already subscribed to the RSS feed or the email updates. That does not include the category-specific feeds as I have no way to track them.

When I switched to the new 2.0 design, I was somewhat afraid that people would not like it. Now, six weeks later, I??m still happy with the look and most of you seem to dig it too! The final bug with the gallery and the adverts is (almost) ironed out – My apologies that very few banners manage to break through the new gallery too, there is simply no way to stop that.

All in all, a very pleasant development that I enjoy a lot. Working on this site has become a big part of my life as I spent quite some time of my day diggin for news, posting items and thinking of ways to improve the user experience.

I hope most of you won’t mind a “behind the scenes item” like that now and then. Apologies to those who read it all just to figure that it’s boring ????

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