ir Sindaco has released??a new version of his Luccaring street circuit for Assetto Corsa.
The new version comes with an all new track surface, vastly-improved AI and plenty of other changes as listed below.
Version 0.7a (current)
- Fixed several minor textures / UV issues
- Fine tuned trees/buildings shaders
- Fixed a few offset colliders
- Fixed a few trees floating in the air
- Added 4 reverb zones for testing.
Note: reverb zones might not work. They can be disabled / edited by opening audio_sources.ini file in /assettocorsa/content/tracks/luccaring/data
Version 0.7
Physics / Layout
Fixed misplacements using an updated / larger points cloud reference
Added track/town elevation changes using accurate town elevation data from accurate reference points clouds / other sources
Fixed track length / scale, going from 5.376 to exactly 5.450 meters as in real life
Refined minor layout stuff (track width, curbs/barriers positioning etc.)
Scratch new track physics surface, first pass of 2 for the the finer details
Vastly improved AI / cpu performance thanks to better surfaces (and to AC latest updates)
Updated trees / assets placement and fixed most objects vs. collision boxes (currently no misplacements that i am aware of)
Fixed several texture sizes and added DX10.1 support
Updated/fixed terrain textures, transitions and shaders
New 2d grass textures / placement
New walkside textures/transitions
Better textures for several 2d trees which had bad alpha and wrong diffuse values
New improved yellow/black curbs textures / mesh / UV layout
New tarmac shader / textures with normal map and proper speculars
New detailed tarmac diffuse textures with patches / different asphalt types / markings, first pass of 2
Updated lots of UV’s + general texture cleanup
Fixed road markings / grooves disappearing under road surface in some places
Better texture packaging / system usage
Added all minor assets (bins, benches, signs, bus stops etc.)
A couple more buildings/garden walls
More LOD’s, fine tuned previous LODs vs. performance
Fine tuned world detail slider for good performance also on slower PCs (you’ll gradually loose grass, more grass and 3 people, vehicles and so on)
UI & others
Added track description support
Added time attack mode support (no “finish line” overlay in game – this will be hopefully befixed in a later version – but it’s actually working, and it’s pretty easy to spot track sectors as you see horizontal sponsor’s banners over your head where your goal is, like the LuccaRing logo on the finish line)
Updated track thumbnail/description/data
Updated 2 sets of old cameras + 2 new sets courtesy of Mr. Norbs
The fictional track is located in his hometown of Lucca, featuring a roughly five kilometers long layout.
The Italian city of Lucca is located in Tuscany, the city???s history goes back all the way to??being a Roman colony in 180 BC.
[boxdownload]Download Luccaring Street Circuit for AC 0.7a Here[/boxdownload]