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Luccaring Street Circuit 0.5 for AC – Released

ir Sindaco has released a first version of his Luccaring street circuit for Assetto Corsa.

ir Sindaco has released a first version of his Luccaring street circuit for Assetto Corsa.

The fictional track is located in his hometown of Lucca, featuring a roughly five kilometers long layout.

The Italian city of Lucca is located in Tuscany, the city???s history goes back all the way to??being a Roman colony in 180 BC.

Current status
Alpha 0.5 (06 jan 15)
?????visual road??> currently there’s a single repeating chunk of tarmac + 300 mtrs of detailed surface. All details will be added (few placeholders here and there).
?????grooves and skidmarks??> textures mostly in place, grooves.ini need fine tuning
?????physic road mesh??> major details are there, i’d say 70% accurate. Finer detail is now mostly a uniform noise placeholder. I will be constantly updating /refining the mesh and it just takes lots of time to make it right and accurate. Also when i have the road texture in place it will speed things up a lot acting as a visual reference for holes/crackles/asphalt patches etc. (go pro video does the job too)
?????collision mesh??> done (includes trees, barriers, buildings, signs, track assets etc.). If you spot a missing or wrong collider, please post reference images so i can easily find it and fix it
?????buildings??> many obvious placeholders are still there (will start adding again after beta release)
?????trees??> still need to work on some textures which are not up to par with the rest. Also some repetition is still showing here and there: new textures are in the works.
?????sidewalks??> following suggestions and common sense, it???s best to have as few artificial barriers /jerseys as possible on the sidetrack (many are still in place esp. in lesser developed areas):this means sidewalks are much more visible than originally planned; they are very close to the track and often act as a kerb: i still need to do proper textures + model them more accurately
?????fences / small walls around houses / hedges / trackside assets??> many are still missing and there’s no placeholder for them. They need a lot of time to get there but progress is constant
?????people / grass??> some examples / quick tests are already in, so you’ll get an idea on what the final result will look like on a powerful PC with lots of grass & 3d spectators / marshals
?????walls/inside the walls??walls can be more detailed; just a bunch of towers is inside. Expect the internal scenery to slowly grow / improve over time (very low on priority list, and prone to be sacrificed in favor of performance)
?????AI??> Done with 23 pits. They are quite challenging already, but if you can provide better and i???d be glad to include them in the package.
?????Cameras??> Missing (what you see is just a random placeholder cameras.ini from one of kudos tracks)
?????Multiplayer??> It works.. and it???s fun!
?????Loading times / Optimization??> it currently takes a bit to load the track: this will hopefully get a better with optimization at final release, but i wouldn’t expect it to be as fast as Magione…. This is mainly due to the huge amount of buildings and trees, and hundreds of textures that simply need to be there. Not much i can do: possibly i will evaluate the opportunity of releasing two versions after 1.0, one HD and one SD.
?????world details??> 5 layers of objects can be switched on and off with the world detail slider, hopefully the track will run smoothly on low end PC’s as well. You can switch on/off: detailed grass, people/stands, sidetrack vehicles / objects and other assets.
?????LODs??> all in place, some might need fine tune (if you notice annoying popups let me know which objects need attention by posting a screenshot)
Big props&kudos??to: Johnnyboy_99 (buildings), Stereo (buildings), Marco Ferrari (texture polishing), Nicola Canali (testing), Nausicaa Crivellari (logo + track map + PS tips&tricks)

[boxdownload]Download Luccaring for Assetto Corsa 0.5 Here[/boxdownload]

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