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LiveFactor for iPhone/iPod – Released

LiveFactor for iPhone/iPod – Released

Even if many of you aren’t Apple geeks like me, chances are pretty high that lots of you own either an iPhone or an iPod Touch. Those of you who do can now use their hand-held device to follow rFactor live-timing thanks to Oscar Martin’s LiveFactor application.

LiveFactor brings live-timing of rFactor racing events to the iPhone, including standings, gaps, fastest laps, penalties and more, allowing sim racers to either follow races from afar or use their phone as additional timing screen while racing.

The application comes in two parts, including a plugin for rFactor or rFactor’s dedicated servers as well as the iPhone application itself. LiveFactor is available in Apple’s AppStore, selling for very reasonable 0,79???.

The plugin and all required information to set it up can be found here, you can check out some screenshots of the application at work below.

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