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A Lap Around Spa In Five Formula 1 Titles – Video

MotoGamesTV have put together a very clever video to show off the evolution of Codemasters’ Formula One game franchise.

MotoGamesTV have put together a very clever video to show off the evolution of Codemasters’ Formula One game franchise.

Instead of doing the usual side-by-side comparison of titles, the video below shows a lap around Spa Francorchamps in the Ferrari, starting with F1 2010 as the footage blends into the newer titles as the lap progresses, finishing with the recently-released F1 2015 title.

The video does not only show off how Codemasters’ F1 franchise has changed over the years, it’s also interesting to see how Formula One as a whole has been transformed ever since F1 2010 was released.

F1 2015 features all cars and drivers of the current Formula One World Championship season, using a new version of Codemasters??? EGO engine.

The title is??available for purchase here.

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