The rfactor Series Junior Team has released a new version of their Japan Formula 3 2007 mod for rFactor, bringing one of Japan’s top open wheel series to the simulation.
Version 3.0 comes with plenty of changes in terms of physics, a new folder structure and more.
-Add the inner suspension.
-Correct the suspension geometry.
-Modify the spring rate.
-Wide Tread additional specifications.
-Performance tuning of traction control.
-Infinite Dome F107 engine to correct the orientation of the Induction Pod(2005, only).
-05JF3-10 (2005-M-TEC Co.Ltd-No.10) correct the name of the driver Skins.
-The original 05JF3-10 (2005-M-TEC Co.Ltd-No.10) in the set, 05JF3-16 (2005-M-TEC Co.Ltd-No.16) to move.
-2005 to correct the skin of the M-TEC.
-06JF3-02 (2006-Honda Toda Racing-No.2) Fixed a bug in.
-Implementation Dallara F302.
-Folder structure optimization.