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Inflatable Racing Car – Video

Inflatable Racing Car – Video

For sim racers, finding the right place to drive is key. Some prefer gaming chairs, other like racing seats and many stick to something simple like an office chair. This changes now as CTA Digital has unveiled a product that will take the sim racing community by storm – The Inflatable Racing Car.

Forget ridiculously expensive motion simulators, nothing will give you the immersion of sitting in a real race car like this rubber-made piece of automotive art. As you can see in the video, steering wheel support is strictly limited right now. But with enough community demand, I`m sure CTA Digital can be persuaded to come up with a Logitech & Fanatec compatible version..

By the way, rumor has it that Red Bull F1 is already working on hooking this baby up to rFactor Pro so watch out for their new simulator videos. Enjoy!

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