German PC Games Hardware magazine was visited by Atari and they brought something very interesting with them, a beta version of Simbin’s GTR Evolution.
Also on site was female race driver Christina Surer who tried out the game and specifically the Nordschleife. Miss Surer is best known for being the ex-wife of Swiss F1 driver Marc Surer and the video somewhat shows that marriage won’t transfer driving skills. The “race driver & model” has some problems keeping the car on track, despite using all kinds of aids including automatic gearbox.
Click the image below to get to the video, those of you that don’t speak German will have to skip her blabber, it’s not very interesting anyways. The late stages of the video are very interesting as we get to ride all the way from Tiergarten to Hatzenbach…. and Simbin’s Nordschleife looks very lovely in motion!