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GRID Autosport – Tuner Video Trailer

Codemasters have released another video trailer of their upcoming GRID Autosport title.

Codemasters have released another video trailer of their upcoming GRID Autosport title.

Like the trailers before, this one takes a look at a particular discipline of racing within the game, introducing us to the tuner/drifting type of cars in GRID Autosport.

GRID Autosport will bring a wide selection of cars from several disciplines of racing, the full car list can be found??here.

GRID Autosport is primarily developed for the PC, interestingly Codemasters have decided to skip on the next-gen consoles. The title will be available for the PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 on June 24 (US) and June 27 (Europe) respectively.


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