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FREX SimConMotion – rFactor 1 & 2 Plugin Out

FREX has released a rFactor 1 & 2 plugin for their SimConMotion motion simulator hardware.

FREX has released a rFactor 1 & 2 plugin for their SimConMotion motion simulator hardware.

SimConMotion is a G-force simulator designed to make sim racers feel the forces experienced during real racing. The new plugin makes the hardware compatible to ISI’s new rFactor 2 title.

Unfortunately, the system is not exactly aimed at casual sim racers as SimConMotion hardware kits start at around 2000???.

The lucky FREX owners can grab the new software version below, us mortals can check out a video of the system in action with Richard Burns Rally.

[boxdownload]Download FREX SimConMotion rFactor 1 & 2 Plugin Here[/boxdownload]

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