Back in May, Turn 10 Studios released the open beta of the free to play Forza Motorsport 6: Apex title, the first ever installment of the Forza franchise for the PC.
While the initial news of one of virtual racing’s largest franchises coming to the PC created quite some hype, the lack of wheel support in the initial release limited the impact Apex was able to make on the PC sim racing scene.
This may change now as Apex has officially left Open Beta status, now support a selection of steering wheels as well. A large portion of the PC sim racing market will unfortunately still be locked out from enjoying the title with a wheel as Turn 10 Studios is not supporting Fanatec hardware for undisclosed reasons.
While Fanatec’s Playstation 4 compatibility has been up in the air due to licensing reasons lately, there seem to be little to no good reasons to not support the hardware of one of PC sim racing’s major steering wheel players.
Forza Motorsport 6: Apex Supported Wheels
Logitech G27 Racing Wheel
Logitech G25 Racing Wheel
Logitech G29 Racing Wheel
Logitech MOMO Force Feedback Racing Wheel
Logitech G920 Xbox One Wheel
Thrustmaster T300RS
Thrustmaster T500 RS Gaming Wheel
Thrustmaster T150
Thrustmaster TX Xbox One Wheel
Thrustmaster TMX Xbox One Wheel
Thrustmaster RGT Force Feedback Racing Wheel
Made exclusively for Windows 10 PCs, Apex is not a full-scale Forza title but a free to play game including a limited selection of Forza???s content to show off the possibilities of the new platform.
The title includes 60 cars and six tracks, coming with no multiplayer functionality but a show case tour type career mode. More information on Forza Motorsport 6: Apex is available here.
[boxdownload]Download Forza Motorsport 6: Apex Here[/boxdownload]