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Fanatec – CSR Elite Production Started

Fanatec has announced that the production of their CSR Elite wheel has officially kicked off.

Following the successful launch of the Forza Motorsport CSR Wheel, Fanatec is kicking into higher gear as the production of the CSR Elite wheel has officially been started.

Fanatec CEO Thomas Jackermeier can be seen below, showing off one of first examples freshly made in the factory. The CSR Elite is the first Fanatec wheel to use the company’s all-new base that has been in development for over 1.5 years.

Unlike the CSR wheel base that will be launched later and is primarily aimed at PC users, the CSR Elite comes with Fanatec’s trademark cross-compatibility including Microsoft’s Xbox 360. Fanatec will be taking pre-orders for the CSR Elite once they??re ready to be shipped, the company hopes to have them ready in time for Christmas.

In related news, Fanatec is also pushing to expand their global reach as the company is currently busy setting up their Japan operation as Japanese sim racers will soon be able to order Fanatec’s line of hardware products.

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