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Fanatec BMW M3 GT2 Wheel Rim – First Video

Fanatec BMW M3 GT2 Wheel Rim – First Video

Following the Formula One wheel rim that was seen in various video, Fanatec has revealed the next rim for their upcoming ClubSport wheel base – The BMW M3 GT2 wheel rim!

Without wanting to tout my own horn, I correctly predicted the right model back in early September when Fanatec showed first shots of the wheels from behind. Below is first footage of the new rim as BMW works driver Dirk Adorf and Fanatec’s Thomas Jackermeier show off the high-tech piece of kit.

Since Fanatec’s ClubSport wheel base uses a real-life quick release mechanism, the wheel can even be used in a real race car (which is crazy just thinking about it!). The wheel comes quite close to being an actual replica of the real M3 GT2 wheel safe for some details like the middle display and some buttons that differ from the real thing.

To make matters a tad more confusing, the car used in the presentation video is not the M3 GT2 but the 320si WTCC race car based on the S2000 touring car rules, both cars do have quite comparable steering wheels though.

Fanatec targets at having the rim available in December, pricing info is not yet available but Fanatec has already revealed that the rims will be priced between 150 and 300 Euros/Dollars. Following the F1 and GT rim will be more wheels, including NASCAR & rally style wheels and an even more realistic F1 wheel sometime in 2012.

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