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Fanatec Black Friday CSW Sale!

Fanatec is joining this week’s Black Friday craze as well, offering a wheel bundle for a very tempting price.

Fanatec is joining this week’s Black Friday craze as well, offering a wheel bundle for a very tempting price.

The bundle consists of Fanatec’s critically-acclaimed CSW V2 wheel base and the brand new??CSL Steering Wheel P1 rim that was revealed less than two weeks ago.

The package provides unrivaled cross-comparability across all platforms as the rim & base combo works on the PC, Playstation 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One.

During the Black Friday sale, the bundle sells for 799 Euros or $649 in the Fanatec webshop, a substantial reduction on the regular prices of 899 Euros and $739 respectively.

The deal is valid until Monday or until Fanatec runs out of stock so interested buyers should hurry up!

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