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Fanaleds 2.0 – Released

Gerben Bol and Dirk Teurlings have released a new version of their very popular Fanaleds tool.

Gerben Bol and Dirk Teurlings have released a new version of their very popular Fanaleds tool.

The new version brings plenty of improvements and expands the tools compatibility, supporting both new hardware and several new simulations.


  • Leo Bodnar SLI devices support
  • Automatic game config
  • Main GUI changes
  • Improved Codemasters and rFactor support
  • Improved hotplug features
  • Added Celsius Fahrenheit selection
  • Fanatec CSW rim detection
  • Added support for F1 2013
  • Added support for DTM Experience
  • Added support for Nascar Racing 2003 Season

Despite the name, Fanaleds has grown to be much more than just a tool for Fanatec users as it supports Logitech wheels and other hardware as well.

The tool has been made without any direct support from Fanatec and is a must have for all owners of compatible hardware.

[boxdownload]Download Fanaleds 1.5e Here[/boxdownload]

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