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Fanaleds 1.2a – Released

Gerben Bol and Dirk Teurlings have released a new version of Fanaleds for Fanatec wheels.

Gerben Bol and Dirk Teurlings have released a new version of Fanaleds for Fanatec wheels.

The tool allows using the built-in display of Fanatec wheels to display telemetry data in no less than ten different simulations.

If you own a Fanatec wheel, this is definitely a must-have tool!


  • Bugfix for hardware change detection not working on non-English Windows installations
  • Bugfix for autoupdate checker giving false positives
  • Delayed the autoupdater until after FanaLEDs is already up and running
  • Added check to allow only one instance of FanaLEDs to run at a time
  • Bugfix wheel button for display toggle not received while other button engaged

[boxdownload]Download Fanaleds 1.2 Here[/boxdownload]

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