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F1 2015 – Technical Details & Cover Revealed

Codemasters have revealed some technical details on their upcoming F1 2015 official Formula One title that is due to be released in June.

Codemasters have revealed some technical details on their upcoming F1 2015 official Formula One title that is due to be released in June.

On next-gen consoles, F1 2015 will run in 1080p resolution on the Playstation 4 while running at 900p on the less-powerful Xbox One, following Project CARS that was recently announced to be on the same specs. In terms of frame rates, Codemasters is gunning for 60fps, even though the title isn’t quite there yet according to Eurogamer.

“On console we’ve had it very, very close to 60fps, certainly on PS4,” F1 2015’s game designer Steven Embling told Eurogamer. “Everyone at the studio is doing a fantastic with the optimisation, and we’re in the final couple of months before release where there’s a big push that we hit that 60fps, and that’s the plan.”

In related news, Codemasters have also revealed the title’s cover art as you can see below.

F1 2015 will be released in June for PC, Playstation 4 & Xbox One, including both the current 2015 Formula One season cars and tracks as well as all 2014-season content.

Using a new version of Codemasters??? EGO engine, F1 2015 will feature not only improved visuals but also come with an improved tire model & force feedback system that will hopefully result in a more realistic driving experience.

Using the Playstation 4???s & Xbox One???s voice-recognition technology, players will also be able to directly talk to their race engineer, requesting information and asking for changes. F1 2015 will also feature a new game mode called ???Pro Season???, details on that have yet to be revealed.

F1 2015 is available for pre-order here.

Via Eurogamer

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