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F1 2015 – Plenty of Preview Footage

The release of Codemaster’s F1 2015 is now just one day away and as the title is almost out on the shelves, plenty of preview footage has been surfacing on the web.

The release of Codemaster’s F1 2015 is now just one day away and as the title is almost out on the shelves, plenty of preview footage has been surfacing on the web.

Below are plenty of new preview videos, showing the upcoming title on all of its three platforms, giving us a good look at the PC, PS4 and Xbox One versions.

Using a new version of Codemasters??? EGO engine, F1 2015 will feature not only improved visuals but also come with an improved tire model & force feedback system that will hopefully result in a more realistic driving experience.

Using the Playstation 4???s & Xbox One???s voice-recognition technology, players will also be able to directly talk to their race engineer, requesting information and asking for changes.

F1 2015 will now be available starting??July 10 in the UK, Europe and Australia and July 21 in the United States.

F1 2015 is??available for pre-order here.

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