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F1 2011 – TV Ad + Third Developer Diary

F1 2011 – TV Ad + Third Developer Diary

Codemasters have released two new videos of their upcoming F1 2011 title that recently reached the gold status and will be out in 15 days time.

The first video is the game’s upcoming TV advert that will run on channels across the globe. The second is the third developer diary which focuses on the brand-new co-op championship mode and includes some new gameplay footage.

In related news, F1 2011 is now available for pre-order on Steam, giving early buyers a 10% discount on the regular price. Using the discount, the PC version sells for 35,99??? instead of 39,99???.

F1 2011 will be released for the PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 on September 23, right in time for the final races of the real life 2011 Formula One World Championship season. The new title will come with improved graphics & handling, new features such as multiplayer splitscreen, a working safety car as well as a much more extensive career mode.

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