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F1 2010 – Codemasters Clarify On AI Issues

F1 2010 – Codemasters Clarify On AI Issues

The countless issues with the AI in Codemasters’ recently-released F1 2010 title have been the subject of much discussion in the community lately, leading Codemasters to release a detailed statement in their official forum.

The posting clarifies on various AI related issues that have been reported so far, offering some background info on how the system works as Codemasters points out that the AI isn’t scripted. Furthermore, Codemasters elaborate on the reason why the AI times are simulated in practice and qualifying, so make sure to check out the whole text here.

Meanwhile, the developers are busy working on the promised patch, hoping to adress as much of the problems as possible. Details on what the patch will contain and when it will be available aren’t disclosed yet.

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