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F1 2010 – A Lap With Adrian Sutil Around Spa

F1 2010 – A Lap With Adrian Sutil Around Spa

German Formula One driver Adrian Sutil was present at the Gamescom in Cologne yesterday, giving Codemasters’ upcoming F1 2010 title a spin in front of the public.

You can check out the Force India driver in action below, the driving part starts after roughly 90 seconds in the video. Sadly, Sutil was only given a gamepad to drive the virtual version of his Force India race car, the good video quality and Sutils narration of the track makes up for the not very realistic driving.

Following their maiden Formula One title that was released only for the Playstation Portable and the Nintendo Wii, Codemasters will be bringing the 2010 Formula One season to the PC, the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3. F1 2010 has been confirmed to be released September 24.

Update: A second video with Adrian driving F1 2010 using a steering wheel has been added below!

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