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DiRT 3 – First Mods Are Available

DiRT 3 – First Mods Are Available

Codemasters’ DiRT 3 rally title has hit the shelves less than 48 hours but as usual, modding of the PC version has already kicked off.

The Racedepartment Development Team is the first modding team to release a DiRT 3 mod as their Gl4dLights mod improves the game’s lighting & post-processing effects as you can check out on the preview shots below.

Furthermore, the team has released a DiRT 3-compatible version of the Ryder PSSG Editor that allows packing and unpacking of the game’s PSSG files to replace textures.

Download RDDev Gl4dLights for DiRT 3 Here

Download Ryder PSSG Editor 1.7 Here

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