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Derek Speare Designs – Hydraulic Handbrake

Derek Speare, creator of some very impressive button boxes and shifters, has come up with a very cool new product prototype – A hydraulic handbrake.

Derek Speare, creator of some very impressive button boxes and shifters, has come up with a very cool new product prototype – A hydraulic handbrake.

As of now, sim racers interested in drifting or rallying can’t get a professional grade hydraulic handbrake as Derek’s design fills a niche on the sim racing hardware market.

Being fully hydraulic, the handbrake could also be used by disabled sim racers as their main form of braking. Derek has used quality automotive parts and self-engineered components to create the device, no price for it is available yet.

Is this a piece of hardware you’d be interested in using? Discuss in the comments! Also, make sure to check out the Derek Speare Designs website.

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