Image Space Incorporated has released a new version of the Broodale Speedway for rFactor 2.
Originally released as part of the stock car oval content two weeks ago, the new version of the track now comes with improved reflections, performance optimizations and more as listed below.
??? improved reflections
??? improved some material settings and textures
??? improved shadow casting
??? reduced slightly track???s memory footprint
??? adjusted concrete- and safer walls properties, preventing car to ???stick??? on the wall after slight contact
??? added GETmod support
??? adjusted few track side cameras to avoid clipping
Not tough, but still tricky to tame, Brookdale Speedway is certainly unique. It???s egg-shaped configuration means that each turn of the oval is distinctly different, even requiring a different line in 1/2 versus 3/4.
[boxdownload]Download Brookdale Speedway 1.15 for rFactor 2 Here[/boxdownload]