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Bob`s Track Builder 0.6 – Released

Bob`s Track Builder 0.6 – Released

Piddy has released the newest version of his easy to use Bob’s Track Builder tool for rFactor. BTB is responsible for various rFactor tracks as it enables you to create your own tracks without extensive 3d modeling knowledge. Furthermore, BTB is famous for bringing the first ever laser scanned tracks to the simulation.

The new version contains many changes including the new SObjects, Camera and Terrain tools, a full changelog can be found by visiting the download-link. The video below shows one of the new features in action, showing us the terrain tools at work. Existing BTB customers can download the new version below, everybody else is free to try the demo version.

[youtube kT_kDb7Pj_Q nolink]

Download Bob’s Track Builder 0.6 Here

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