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BMW M3 E92 Cup 2009 1.1 – Released

BMW M3 E92 Cup 2009 1.1 – Released

The International Modding Team has released a new version of their BMW M3 E92 Cup 2009 for GTR2. The mod brings plenty of BMW M3s in two different classes to the simulation, all liveries are based on real life teams.

The mod is based on wildman_fr???s BMW E92 M3, a semi-fictional version of BMW???s new GT2 challenger. Version 1.1 includes a reorganised class structure. PRO1 cars have have 600hp while the PRO2 cars put out 420hp. Other changes include brand new sounds for both classes as well as new wheels and aeroparts for the PRO2 class.

Important: Please delete version 1.0 before installing the new one!

Download BMW M3 E92 Cup 2009 1.1 Here

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