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Automobilista – Version 0.9.35 Available

Reiza Studios have released a new version of their Automobilista title that is currently in Early Access state.

Reiza Studios have released a new version of their Automobilista title that is currently in Early Access state.

Version 0.9.35 serves as a fixing release for the recently released update that introduced a new car & track to the title.


  • Fixed bug which caused AI cars to appear “sinking” in a saved replay (may compromise older replays)
  • DynHUD: Hopefully fixed instabilities in displayed lap times; Vehicle number from VehicleInfo is now handled as a String; Fixed FastestLapWidget visibility in non race sessions
  • Corrected bug with auto-blip not being effective with sequential boxes
  • Added remaining modified skins for F-Retro, F-Classic, F-V12
  • Adjusted flatspot textures to be darker (more visible)
  • Tweaked AI behavior to be a bit less agressive in close racing conditions
  • VIR: Moved trash cans back in Pit Area, included updated road texture
  • F-Reiza: Fixed bug with soft tire not producing flatspots
  • F-Extreme: Adjusted default setup
  • Boxer Cup: Added team names; adjusted wheel rates, aero & tire wear
  • StockV8: Corrected minor error with rear left damper
  • F3: Revised tires, adjusted aero draft effects
  • MR18: Fixed error with aero balance in draft
  • Kart 125cc: Fixed RPM clipping above 10k revs
  • Kart Rental: Fixed bug with tires not picking up dirt

Successor to the studios??? Game Stock Car Extreme title, Automobilista continues Reiza???s efforts of pairing up cars and tracks from Brazil???s most popular racing series such as Stock Car V8, Copa Petrobras de Marcas and the Mitsubishi Lancer Cup with more international racing content, the addition of which has already started with the recent GSC E updates.

Development of the new title has been funded by Reiza???s successful crowd-funding campaign last summer, allowing the team to go much further than just create new content & features for GSCE but rather create an all-new title to contain all the fresh developments.

Automobilista???s Early Access version is??now available for 32,99??? here, details on what purchasing the Early Access version means for customers have been??outlined in a FAQ.

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