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Automobilista – Build 0.8.7R Released

Reiza Studios have released a new build of their Automobilista title that is currently part of Steam’s Early Access programme.

Reiza Studios have released a new build of their Automobilista title that is currently part of Steam’s Early Access programme.

The new build adds several bugfixes and improvements as listed below. Recently, Reiza also unveiled a planned new membership & DLC plan.


  • Added a function to split “Automobilista” and “Automobilista Beta” server listings in Steam matchmaker
  • Reverted FFB reset Function added in v0.8.6 (hopefully addressing issues with controllers stop working altogether in some systems after switching sessions)
  • Fixed spinner arrow functionality in UI
  • Fixed logFolder initialization for DynHUD editor
  • Fixed a couple of errors & fine-tuned functionality for sequential boxes & downshift protection in semi-automatic ones
  • Salvador: Fixed first pit box having wrong direction arrow.
  • Velopark: Fixed lack of working decals on pit stands and team trucks
  • Rental Kart: corrected collision and shadow mesh

Automobilista’s Early Access version is now available for 29,59€ here, details on what purchasing the Early Access version means for customers have been outlined in a FAQ.

Successor to the studios’ Game Stock Car Extreme title, Automobilista continues Reiza’s efforts of pairing up cars and tracks from Brazil’s most popular racing series such as Stock Car V8, Copa Petrobras de Marcas and the Mitsubishi Lancer Cup with more international racing content, the addition of which has already started with the recent GSC E updates.

Development of the new title has been funded by Reiza’s successful crowd-funding campaign last summer, allowing the team to go much further than just create new content & features for GSCE but rather create an all-new title to contain all the fresh developments.

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