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Audi R8 LMS 2015 for Project CARS – Released

The Machine Dojo Modding Team & ShadowWorks have released their much-anticipated Audi R8 LMS 2015 for Project CARS.

The Machine Dojo Modding Team??& ShadowWorks have released their much-anticipated Audi R8 LMS 2015 for Project CARS.

The car is the first-ever content addition to Project CARS that was realized despite the fact that Slightly Mad Studios’ title officially does not support any modding.

Completely scratch-made, the mod??makes usage of all the advanced features??? Slightly Mad Studios??? graphics engine offers, including full LODs & damage effects, windscreen reflections and full night & rain effects.

Carefully crafted physics will ensure that the car matches up well against the stable of GT3 cars already available in Project CARS.

How to Install

  • Copy ???JSGME.exe??? and ???MODS??? to the game folder.
  • Run ???JSGME.exe???, press ???>??? to activate ???Unpacked Boot Files for patch 8.0???.
  • Copy the folder ???Audi R8 LMS 2015??? into the folder ???MODS??? in the game???s main folder.
  • Run ???JSGME.exe??? in the game???s main folder, select ???Audi R8 LMS 2015 Test-0.9.8??? on the left and press ???>??? to activate it.
  • Run ???Audi R8 LMS Install.bat??? in the game???s main folder to get the car registered.

[boxdownload]Download Audi R8 LMS 2015 for Project CARS Here[/boxdownload]

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