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Aosta for Assetto Corsa 3.4.2 – Released

durstboiler has released a new version of his Aosta Grand Prix Track for Assetto Corsa.

durstboiler has released a new version of his Aosta Grand Prix Track for Assetto Corsa.

Aosta has originally been created by Kunos Simulazioni for their netKar Pro title, the studio has allowed for the track to be converted to their current product.

The fictional Italian track comes with a variety of layouts, durstboiler has also included a bonus wet-weather layout that simulates rain racing in Assetto Corsa.


-Added new bonus layout : “Aosta Sport Intermediate Wet”.
Wet road simulation + spot light (only with post process enabled)
-Added new spot light object.
-Improvement Dynamique groove (works only online)
-Minor texture improvement.
-Opening stands doors.
Pending the possibility of opening according to the presence of drivers.
-Improvement oval sport AI.

[boxdownload]Download Aosta Grand Prix 3.4.2 for Assetto Corsa Here[/boxdownload]

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