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Albi 2006 1.0 – Released

Albi 2006 1.0 – Released

Neel Jani has converted Porsche_Guy’s Albi from SCGT and improved it in many ways. Many of you will know Albi from GPL or the 1967-version track available for rFactor.

The cars race around a small French airport, the track even crosses the runway at the far end of the circuit.Those of you that are familiar with the 67 version will be able to adapt quickly as just two chicanes have been added to the original layout over the years.

Even though the track is certainly not the freshest-looking in terms of modeling and texturing, the layout is pretty unique and quick. You can tell that this track has its roots in Sports Car GT, it is fun to drive nevertheless.

Download Albi 2006 1.0 Here

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