Ever since starting VirtualR, I put a big emphasis on the site being independent and neutral as I´ve always try to report on stuff the most balanced way possible without giving any title, mod or product any special treatment based on personal preference.
To continue with this open & transparent approach, I would like to let you all know that I´m working for Slightly Mad Studios as of today. I strongly want to point out that this will not interfere with the way I run VirtualR as I´ve always kept my day job a completely separate entity from the site and this will not change in the future.
VirtualR is set up to sustain itself thanks to my advertisers (please go check them out, they´re awesome for continuously supporting VirtualR!) and will stay independent from what I do for a living. Like I said above, almost nothing will change as I´ll still be covering the same titles and topics in the same neutral manner as before.
The only thing that I will change is that I won’t be doing any software reviews as long as I´m involved with SMS. I simply don’t feel comfortable on judging other software products while being in this position, I´m very happy to publish guest reviews though! I´ll be continuing to provide hardware reviews as usual of course.
In terms of VirtualR, there will be plenty of change coming up very soon as I´ve already shared a small preview of the new design on Twitter. The site will also be getting an all-new (and bug free!) comment system as well so there’s plenty of good stuff to come in the near future!
Rob aka Montoya