- 100% Independent Sim Racing News

SimSteering Wheel – Review + Videos

Giovanni Scala has managed to get his hands on Leo Bodnar's recently unveiled spectacular SimSteering wheel, providing us with a review and plenty of videos.

Guest Article: Our Mods Are Disappearing

Veteran modder ethone has written a very interesting article on one of the mod community's biggest problems - Mods disappearing due to non-working mirrors.

Guest Article ??? The B-List: NASCAR Thunder 2004

The newest edition of "The B-List" takes a look back at NASCAR Thunder 2004.

Guest Articles

Obutto oZone Racing Cockpit Review

Obutto oZone Racing Cockpit Review

iRacing’s Tim Wheatley has had the chance to get a Obutto oZone Racing Cockpit and test it with his Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo Wheel. Is the cockpit worth the price of $259? Read Tim’s review below to find...